
PostureWorks Services

Our Services

Healthcare, and its delivery continues to move at a fast pace. Advances in our understanding of the human body and the way we aim to help must keep pace, whilst holding tight to the principles that underpin human health and healing.

In 2018 we look to an "Evidence-Based Healthcare" model; comprising 3 areas:

  1. What does the best available evidence show?
  2. What is the practitioner's experience?
  3. What are the patient's expectations?

At PostureWorks we are committed to these 3 components forming the solid foundation to everything you do and experience at our studio.


Your Best Professional Self

Through chiropractic care, we can problematic areas of the body and treat it accordingly. Movement restriction is a common sign of an underlying problem.

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Health Products

Courses and Events

Chiropractic care isn't the only thing you can do to keep your body healthy. We offer a range of products for improving your quality of life.

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